
Narrative Essay

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Narrative Essay
Narrative Essay Week 5
There can be major physical changes and effects to a female’s body after having a child. In 2011 when I had my son the hospital gave me an epidural for the pain; they did the shot too high up on my back. As far as anyone knew I was fine. I showed no signs of problems until after I got out of the hospital, when I started having back spasms due to the fact that the epidural was done incorrectly. The female body goes through many natural changes; it prepares itself to be capable of having a child naturally and being capable of breastfeeding babies. It can also cause other effects that are not necessarily normal changes to the female body, for me the two main changes that I had were being anemic and having a hyperthyroid. The doctors told me that I was anemic because I had lost too much blood during labor and that the hyperthyroid was a result of my body changing after having my son but that it was nothing to worry about. I had to have a blood transfusion before I could leave the hospital to get my blood count back up, I was still consider as being anemic. Knowing that there can be a lot of risk in having a blood transfusion I originally told them that I would not do it, but the hospital told me if I did not do it that I would be in the hospital for at least another week. An overactive thyroid (hyperthyroid) overstimulates the metabolism and has severe effects on the sympathetic nervous system. It speeds up many of the body systems and can even resemble an overdose of adrenaline. Some of the effects that I have gone through due to the hyperthyroid have been extreme weight loss but with an increased appetite, muscular weakness, sleep issues, irritability, an inability to deal with heat, anxiety, and delirium are just a few of the symptoms that I have had. The first thing I noticed was that I wasn’t capable of eating solid food but that I was hungry. So I started drinking at least 6 Ensures in a day but I was still losing

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