The prewriting method I had chosen for my narrative essay was freewriting. The reason why I chose that method is because of the topic I was given. The topic was my family’s traditional food. So, because the topic is about my family, I thought it would be easier to free write since it’s based on my own knowledge. This method allowed me to share what came into my mind, which included knowledge I knew about my family’s traditional food and its importance in my religion without stressing on research and correct grammar.
Through the freewriting, I was able to depict important facts that I never thought was important. For instance, the meaning of why my family and culture offer leftover rice to plants and animals. I also found …show more content…
This story was created for all readers, it informs them of why rice is my family’s traditional food and how we used it. Without the writing process, I wouldn’t have developed a successful piece. The prewriting, writing, editing, and revision stage is all important steps.
Out of all the steps in my writing process, I believe prewriting was the most helpful. In prewriting you’re supposed to let your thoughts flow without stopping and making changes. So because I didn’t take the time to stress on proper grammar and more, I was able to start my first draft faster. Prewriting also helped me narrow what I wrote into groups, in this case the importance of rice in my family. Not only did prewriting help me narrow my writing into groups, but it also helped me, who was struggling, to find topics to talk about.
After my prewriting, I started to develop the paper. I printed my prewriting and highlighted what I thought was important to keep. I also started planning how I should organize my work, as well as see what information I can add to help the reader understand the piece more. Then when I figured out how I wanted to organize the paper and what I wanted to add in it, I went in search of a place to write; I can’t focus around