walking down the street on daythen he got a bag thrown over, put in a back of a van was never seen again until half a monthlater. He was found in a ditch with only his underwear on and had a weird symbol on hisshoulder, didn’t remember what happened all he knew was that he was hungry and tired. Lateron everyone forgot on what happened and moved on, Timmy started to live his life again andgot over it. Not long though that it took effect. Timmy started to get flash backs on whathappened when he was kidnapped awful things, him being tortured and injected with this yellowand green syrup.Then weird things happened at work and at home, he thought he might be putting his family indanger, so he left that night to try and protect family. He went into hiding for a long time, he wasliving in a abandoned factory out in the destroyed forest; no one would ever look for him there.That night he was looking up at the sky thinking about how wonderful his life was until that nightthat kidnapping took place. He accidently found out that he could make trees out of the groundalong with other plants.
A few weeks later Brody Donkin now called, Ermic, was plotting; his idea was to make the cityhis although it might be gloomy, has no trees, and looks like dirt.
Ermic would take over the citythen the world would be next. He started with taking out the trees that were left, he said no moretrees only dirt and black will be left. Timmy was in town looking for some food when Ermicstarted to attack; Timmy didn’t know what to do so he ran. Ermic watched the city crumblebeneath his feet. Timmy went back to the factory and thought about how he can try and savethe city. A little voice in the back of his head said grow, grow ,grow, He didn’t know what it wasbut that afternoon he went and stood out in the light. Photosynthesis was taking place. Has helooked at his arm vines, vines started to rap around him, he was scared so went inside and thevines slowly went away, he knew that he had to try and do something so he went and acceptedit; he became PLANT-MAN.Timmy went back to the city and said to Ermic stop this or I will, Ermic pointed and laughed youMr. Greeny, what are gonna do; the name is Plant-man; and i’ll show you what I will do. Plant-man throw vines up were Ermic was. Plant-man was shot, Ermic said you don’t think I had aplan B Mr. Green, Plant-man said no you didn’t. Ermic said what, why do you say that; Ermicgot right into Plant-mans face and said; oh but i believe I do; then Plant-man stabbed him with aknife he had hidden in the vines. Ermic laughed and said; it’s too late I
have al..alreadyw..ww..won: Ermic was dead, Plant-man fell from the high building that Ermic base was on;Timmy’s wife found “Plant-man”, and said thank you Plant-man said no problem Beci; she wasconfused and didn’t know what to say. The vines slowly went away and it was Timmy herhusband, she cried and said I finally have you back; Timmy said no you don’t; Beci said what,she found out that Timmy was shot right through the chest; the kids were there, they got to saygoodbye to their dad so did Beki. When Timmy died something amazing happened all the treesstarted to grow back and one giant tree grew where Timmy or should I say Plant-man died. Nowevery person in the city knew that Timmy Brako, saved the city and brought all the trees back.Timmy a.k.a PLANT-MAN will be remembered