Extension English
Unit: What’s the Story?
Year 9, Term 3, 2012
Teacher: _____________________ Date :
Assessment Instrument – Narrative intervention (Short story)
|Assessment Conditions |Key Terms |
|● Word limit: 500 - 600 words |Describe |
|● 3 weeks notice of task |Substitute |
|● Assignment - Class time/own time | |
|● Drafting/Conferencing completed in exam conditions (3x periods,(9th/10th | |
|August) | |
|Rough Drafts submitted with final assignment | |
|Submit a final hard copy and electronic copy to the resources drive (X) on the | |
|due date. | |
Australian Curriculum - ACELA1569 Analyse and evaluate the effectiveness of a wide range of sentence and clause structures as authors design and craft texts. - ACELA1571 Refine vocabulary choices to discriminate between shades of meaning, with deliberate attention to the effect on audiences. - ACELT1644 Create