Captain Malcolm Reynolds suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, due to “The Battle of Serenity” This causes him to have trouble trusting others, such as the government (The Alliance) and at times, his personal crew, for fear of being betrayed. Castle, in contrast, is actually a very emotional person. He is often told he is in the way and treated like a child. He feels the need to prove himself to not only Becket, but to the NYPD, and his family. He is very lenient with is daughter, but just as protective as a father should be. Captain Hammer’s emotions are very self-involved. He has one objective when it comes to his feelings toward Penny. It is ultimately sex. Captain Hammer is basically a teenage boy. He feels he is entitled to everything he
Captain Malcolm Reynolds suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, due to “The Battle of Serenity” This causes him to have trouble trusting others, such as the government (The Alliance) and at times, his personal crew, for fear of being betrayed. Castle, in contrast, is actually a very emotional person. He is often told he is in the way and treated like a child. He feels the need to prove himself to not only Becket, but to the NYPD, and his family. He is very lenient with is daughter, but just as protective as a father should be. Captain Hammer’s emotions are very self-involved. He has one objective when it comes to his feelings toward Penny. It is ultimately sex. Captain Hammer is basically a teenage boy. He feels he is entitled to everything he