Human resources departments face significant challenges as their roles become broader and more strategic in the early 21st century. HR is more than a basic function that involves hiring, training and retaining employees. It is a key element in developing a workforce that aligns with the mission and vision of a business. With increased relevance come increased obstacles.…
1. It is paramount as Senior Leaders that we develop a successful style of leadership. Throughout my career, I've tried to gather admirable traits of all the leaders I've served for and used these traits for molding my own leadership philosophy. I will continue to seek to strengthen upon my leadership behaviors noted in reference (a) utilizing the Coast Guard's Leadership Competencies.…
Given the new emphasis on adding value as an organizational player, the role of the human resource department has become considerably more multidimensional in m. firms. This essay will reinforce and argue on why HRM today; must respond by taking advantage of gradual yet profound changes in the nature of the field, current practices, and overall human resource management policies, mission and vision . The paper will first start off with the definition of Human Resource Management and its roles in an organization. It will then analyze how HR activities add value and contribute to organizations’ overall effectiveness. Last but not least, it will bring us through the trends happening in the labor market force in recent years; followed by its impact on HRM practices in the world today.…
2. HRD – Human resource Development is best defined as: (A set of systematic and planned activities designed by an organization to provide its members with the necessary skills to meet current and future job demands)…
Holland, P., & De Cieri, H. (2006). Contemporary issues in human resource development: an Australian perspective. NSW, Australia: Pearson Education Australia.…
Human Resources specialists are more important in business strategies today as there’s a change in market dynamics; more so in the present economic situation of a global recession and downturn across industries as economies around the world are globally connected and interdependent. An organization with performance driven HR planning and development practices distinguish itself from competitors and brings quality & loyal workers who are committed and passionate about the success of their organization.…
Many people use "Human Resource Management," "Human Resource Development" and "Human Resources" interchangeably, HR is the term to refer to all of these phrases. Human Resources is the department that deals with issues related to people such as compensation, hiring, and performance management, organization development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication, administration, and training. Human Resources in my opinion, is the blood stream of the corporation. It directly feeds and maintains all other departments. It is through Human Resource that a company communicates the goals and achievements to the employees. Human Resource Management is the responsibility of the person or team that leads the Human Resource team. To be a successful business I have learned that the company must have a great Human Resources Management (HRM). As a future leader, I learned how to support Human Resources (HR) with business plans. I have recognized the impact of external and internal environments within the company; design HR systems to promote positive behaviors among employees, establish staffing and compensation systems to attract, retain and encourage the best employees, understand employee relations, manage change during difficult times and influence these strategic HR skills that add important value to business decision-making. As society and organizations grow and become more complex, HRM functions continue to expand into many areas vital to organizational growth and success. To understand and apply human resource functions it must cover Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Affirmative Action, Human Resource Planning, Recruitment, Selection, Human Resource Development, Compensation and Benefits, Safety and Health, and Employee Labor and Relations. I have learned that it doesn’t take one tool but takes all of these tools to accomplish the mission. In this paper I will reflected on what I have learned in this class but I explain how my own company…
The purpose of this paper is to explore the many different roles the Human Resource Departments plays in organizations and in this paper; the Human Resource Department will be referred to as the HRD. The overall typical function of a HRD is to make sure organizations maximize the use of their human resources to reach the goals and objectives of the employees and the organization. This will include the part they play in recruitment and making sure they adhere to all hiring laws. How they use information technology to monitor the performance of employees and how they handle employee complaints. This is not all inclusive of the many different roles a HRD plays in organizations but is a general synopsis of some of the roles it plays.…
It involves long term perspective which visualizes change through involvement and ownership of such change by the participants. HRD believes that individual in an organization have unlimited potential for growth and development and that their potential can be built through appropriate and systematic efforts. The abbreviation HRD denoting, “Human Resources development” is creation of western countries; they treat and deal human force as resource. Resources are explored, exploited and discarded after their use. Continuous use of resources make them weak and futile, they decay with time. However, human beings become wiser, stronger and grow from within each challenge / problem encountered. Wisdom and strength in human beings appreciated with time but use of resource always make them weak, futile and depreciate. D.V. Ramana Murthy has discussed in this article on “Human Factor in Banks,” the significance of human factor and trade unions in the banks. S.R. Varde in his paper on “Manpower Planning” at the level of an Indian commercial bank dealt with the aspects like basic structure of manpower planning, linkage of manpower plan to other plans, interrelationship of various manpower functions, objectives of manpower planning in Indian commercial banks, anatomy of manpower plans and techniques of manpower planning. N.R.…
Over the years, the role of human resources has changed and evolved based on the needs of our society. Put in basic terms, human resource management must change as the business environment in which it operates changes. An article written by Susan Heathfield, states that while successful organizations are becoming more adaptable, resilient, quick to change direction, the HR professional is considered by line managers as a strategic partner, an employee sponsor or advocate and a change mentor (Heathfield, 2006). Human Resources professionals have gone from simply handling personnel issues to making strategic contributions to the future development of an organization. There are various factors that have contributed and will continue to contribute to the evolvement of human resources management, some of which include technology, globalization, diversity and immigration and an aging workforce.…
Traditional views of modern organizations have approached the function of human resources as an administrative unit in charge of the hiring and firing of organizations' employees. From this perspective, the function of human resources was not considered as valuable as other functions such as finance and marketing. Rather, it was perceived by executives and organizational leadership as an “overhead” department that had no impact on the company's bottom line. However, and as a result of the structural changes that have been affecting global economy since the 1990s, a shift in the perception and roles within the field has occurred. HR professionals are now called upon in order to redefine their roles, re-engineer their practices and rethink their contribution to the company’s bottom line. The function of human resources has become a strategic function in which HR professionals are seen as business partners in charge of managing talent and human capital by aligning their practices with the overall corporate strategy.…
Haslinda, A., (2009). Evolving Terms of Human Resource Management and Development. The Journal of International Social Research, 2(9).…
Dr. Muhammad Tariq Khan, D. N. (2012). An Organizational Concept of Human Resource Development – How Human Resource Management Scholars View ‘HRD. Universal Journal of Management and Social Sciences .…
The aim of this essay is to demonstrate Human Resource Management (HRM) in a way that is both challenging and rewarding in contemporary organizations. Human Resource Management (HRM) is a new way of thinking about how people should be managed as employees in the workplace. (Ashly Pinnington and George Lafferty 2003, P.4) In much the same way as there are different roads to success, HRM is not one theory but an evolving set of competing theories and strategy contributors. The purpose of this essay will analyse why organisation do not regard H.R as effective how can change? What role should it play? Why should it play? What are the challenges facing by HR managers?…
Abstract. A few years ago it was typical to give one’s subsidiaries a free rein and send managers overseas from headquarters only. But today a great deal depends on overcoming this one-way street and in looking for and employing the best-suited managers, regardless of their origins. What contribution can human resource management make towards a company’s global orientation – an area in which local scope and latitude are traditionally very high?…