2. My definition of leadership contains words such as character, honesty, servant and compassion. Character is a quality that I believe to be the most important. How I portray my image to all those around me, subordinates or peers, on and off base are vital to my personal character. One of favorite quotes that solidifies my belief in character is, "Leadership …show more content…
My first leadership behavior requiring progress from my LPI that I’d like to concentrate on comes from Modeling the Way. As a Senior Leader I will continue to model, live and enforce our core values. I will stand strong by enforcing our guidelines and standards we’ve been given from day one. I will employ the Aligning Values competency to sustain mine and my subordinate’s personal and organizational values while correcting deficiencies as necessary. While proficiently holding high standards for myself, peers and subordinates, I will honorably uphold my Coast Guard responsibility as a senior leader and model the …show more content…
My third leadership behavior in need of improvement from my LPI that I’d like to address comes from Inspire a Shared Vision. As a Senior leader I believe it’s imperative that I inspire to share the future vision, mission, and strategies of our organization. Using the Vision Development and Implementation leadership competency as a guide I will promote organizational change, instill ownership in the development of processes and structure, to succeed in common goals. As such, I vow to represent my command vision statement and share its relation to the Coast guard big picture with my subordinates while inspiring a shared