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INTRODUCTION 1. OFFICIAL GUIDANCE. This guide is designed to prepare and train First Class Petty Officers (FCPO) for their future leadership roles and to maintain continued focus and development once selected to the rank of Chief Petty Officer. As enlisted leaders, FCPOs play a vital role in the development and mentorship of junior Sailors. Training and guidance to strengthen their leadership skills are important to ensure their success by building a foundation that will ensure mission readiness. Becoming a Chief carries even greater responsibility as these leaders are charged and accountable for the professional development and guidance of Sailors and junior officers across the Fleet. Maintaining technical proficiency, as well as enhancing skills as leaders, is paramount to the success of the men and women who serve and to the mission of the Navy. 2. CANCELLATION. None. 3. APPLICABILITY. This Chief Petty Officer 365 Development Guide (CPODG) may be utilized in the execution of all phases of CPO 365 to strengthen and fortify the leadership skills of our FCPOs. It is also a valuable resource to all Sailors who possess a desire to gain valuable knowledge through the experience of the Chief Petty Officers‘ Mess. Completion recommendations for FCPOs participating in CPO 365 are outlined in each section. 4. HOW TO COMPLETE. It is important that each section of the CPODG be completed at the appropriate level and in its entirety. The Outline portion for each section contains specific details on recommendations for completing that particular section. a. Before getting started, FCPOs should read through the entire guide and schedule Career Development Boards (CDB) with their respective Command Senior Enlisted Leaders (SEL) and Leading Chief Petty Officers (LCPO). This preparation is critical as SELs and LCPOs will provide clear guidance and mentorship on completing this guide