However, as discussed before women have less muscle strength. Other than muscular or other anatomical differences, Women also have different mechanically than men. Women tend to make athletic maneuvers with more of a straight leg. The mechanics that women use during cutting, twisting, pivoting, and stopping contribute to the higher risk of injury. Women perform these maneuvers in an erect manner. As women make these sharp turns or cuts they tend to have their backs in a more upright position and they do not bend their legs as much as men. Thus, leading to less stability on the knee and a greater chance of tearing a ligament. Men normally have developed stronger muscles and better coordination when competing at high level sports and they move in a more athletic way than women. Men bend their knees and lower their center of gravity to increase balance. This is accomplished by bending the knees more and using the hamstring muscles to absorb more of the force applied when jumping, cutting, and twisting taking more pressure of their knee thus decreasing their risk of an ACL injury. Another major reason any athlete tears their ACL is because of flat-footed landing. This occurs when an athlete jumps, or cuts and instead of landing on the balls of their feet they land flat-footed. Landing on the balls of their feet with a bent knee lets the…