The concept of an individual person deliberately changing their perception of reality with mind-altering substances is taboo for many people. Decades and centuries of culturally ingrained ideas regarding consciousness and meta-physics have led to the public censure of current dialogue. The possible ramifications of introducing an external object that is intrinsically imbued with special abilities
Studies have actually shown that psychedelic drugs, if used responsibly, are actually less harmful than alcohol. (Landry)
A common misunderstanding exists that psychedelic drugs can only be used for recreational purposes. There are, however, numerous cultures across the globe that take advantage of their psychoactive properties for religious and spiritual reasons. (Schultz) Popular research has even gone so far as to suggest that responsible use of psychedelics can lead to positive change for individuals and societies. (Masters and Houston) It is therefore essential to understand their potential role in contemporary American society. psychedelic drug use is an important aspect of Native American culture that can reap positive benefits for individuals and society. The general population of the United States, and the government of the USA in particular, should reconsider the legal status of their cultivation and