English 09
14 October 2013 Natural Medicines Heal
Natural medicine can accomplish getting rid of illnesses. Increased use of natural medicine over the past decade has been an exciting development in health care nowadays. Natural remedies heal the body of the underlining causes and simply not mask the symptoms. When people are sick, they should use herbs instead of prescriptions or over-the-counter medicines. Herbs date farther back in history, are generally healthier, and are also used as part of the ingredients in modern medicine. The Chinese successfully used natural remedies over 4,000 years ago. Hippocrates was thought to be the “Father of Medicine”. He was born around 460 B.C. During his lifetime, he wrote seventy-nine books and fifty- nine treatises on which modern medicine was said to be founded. All of Hippocrates medicinal cures were based on natural remedies. Every continent on our planet has used what was naturally available to heal their people from illness and diseases for thousands of years. Chinese, Aztec and Native American Indians to name a few people groups, would find dandelion weeds, wild onions and garlic to make herbal remedies ,tinctures ,powders ,poultices and essential oils to treat their sick. Onions can be used to heal burns by applying mashed onion to the wound. Onion juice and honey can alleviate cold symptoms. Eating onions increases blood circulation and relax muscles. Garlic cleanses the blood. It is Antiseptic, Antibiotic, and Antifungal. These simple natural remedies worked thousands of years ago and still heal today. By treating the symptoms of an illness with a drug incorrectly, can cause undesirable reactions and side effects. A person suffering with Eczema is given steroid creams to the skin but the underlying cause of the Eczema is still there.