I was raised in a family that the woman was the one that cleaned the house, cooked and took care of the kids. Where my father did all the other work on the farm; he didn’t do any “woman duties.” I was raised playing mainly with girl toys and dressed like a girl. I did however, have an older brother that I played with a lot. We would play with the neighborhood kids which consisted of all boys. So I did play with boy toys such as trucks and tractors. Since I played with the boys I also played football a lot with them. Things many girls don’t normally do. This is something that is looked at as more of a boy sport. Family had a large impact on my development, which I feel is the most important. I grew up in a middle class family. My family taught me to be respectful and kind. I grew up in a loving family that was always there for me when we needed something. I grew up with the belief that family is very important and it still is today. These are the things that I instill in my children today as …show more content…
Mass media has a large influence on people. I remember as a kid watching TV shows and movies and wanting to dress and look like people on TV. I was able to see the world and understand things from around the world without having to be there. There are many things I learned just from watching the news, television shows and movies. I would talk to my family about some of the things I would learn from the media to get their view. Because I thought my family knew best, just because I saw it on TV didn’t mean I believed it. Such as violence it was something that because we were a close family, they taught me that violence is not ok and that you can’t believe everything you see on