Q1. Identify the barriers that might be there to good health and safety practice.
A1. Barriers to good standards
Complexity of the work place
Conflicting demands
Behavioral issues
People falling to act as desired or making mistakes deliberately
Q2. Define
A. Health
B. Safety
C. Welfare
D. Environmental protection
E. Occupational accidents
F. Dangers occurrences
G. Near miss
H. Work related ill-health
I. Hazards
J. Risk
a) Health- The absence of disease of health.
b) Safety- the absence of risk of serious personal injury.
c) Welfare- The facilities for work place comfort.
d) Environmental protection– The prevention of damage to the air, land, water and living creatures in the environment.
e) Occupational Accident- an unplanned, unwanted or undesired event that lead to injury damage or loss.
f) Dangerous occurrence- A Specified event that has to be reported to the relevant authority by statute law.
g) Near miss- An unplanned, unwanted event that has the potential to cause harm (but did not, fact, do, so).
h) Work related ill- health- Harm to workers health caused by their work.
i) Hazard- Something that has the potential to cause harm.
j) Risk- The likelihood that the hazard will cause harm in combination with severity of injury, damage or loss that might occur. [Risk=} likelihood (probability)x severity]
Q3. Outline the reasons for maintaining and promoting good standard of H&S in the work place.
Moral :- Moral reason relates to the moral duty that one person has to another. Many people are killed, injured or made sick by their work which is morally unaccepted and society as a whole demands that the people should be safe while at work .
Social(legal) :- To avoid any enforcement action or civil claims it relates to the law that govern or conduct the businesses and organization.
Economical :- Accident and ill- health cost money when accident occurs there will be