NEBOSH National General Certificate
December 2007 examination
Introduction 3
Paper NGC1 : Management of health and safety 5
Paper NGC2 : Controlling workplace hazards 10
Examination statistics 17
Examination technique 18
The National General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety has been offered since 1989 and, at the time of this examination, there were nearly 113,000 holders of the qualification. The NEBOSH Certificate is recognised by employers and regulators, both in the UK and internationally, as an extremely worthwhile qualification for those with health and safety responsibilities but who are not engaged professionally in health and safety. Such persons include managers, supervisors and employee representatives. The Certificate qualification demonstrates much more than a basic awareness of health and safety issues; it shows that those holding the qualification, while not deciding organisational policy, are able to make informed decisions and suggest improvements on a day-to-day basis (within the limits of their competence) such that those for whom they are responsible are not harmed by work activities.
The National General Certificate consists of three units, each separately assessed:
- Unit NGC1: Management of health and safety
- Unit NGC2: Controlling workplace hazards
- Unit NGC3: Health and safety practical application.
NGC1 and NGC2 are written examination papers set and marked by NEBOSH.
NGC3 has no syllabus content associated with it, but tests the application of knowledge acquired in the study of the first two units. Completed assessments for this unit are marked by a ‘practical assessor’ proposed by the centre and approved by NEBOSH. Marked NGC3 assessments are subject to external moderation by NEBOSH.
This Examiners’ Report refers only to the two written examination papers, NGC1 and NGC2.