1. Before Ground Slate Tools (Foggy Bottom, Level 3 at Echinus Bay)
2. Introduction of Non-Toggling Harpoon Head Type/Ground Slate Tools (Level 2 at Echinus Bay, Hecate Beach, Level 2 at Lingula Inlet)
3. Toggling Harpoon Head Type
(Level 1 Lingula Inlet, Level 1 at Echinus Bay)
1. Before Ground Slate Tools:
Beginning with the inland site at Foggy Bottom on the Dygalski Island along the western most chain of the Nebulosas, archaeologists have been able to date a single occupation at 9500 ± 350 B.P. by carbon dating. This site contained large and micro blades of obsidian and chert along with the numerous bifacially worked artifacts such as points, scrapers and end-set points which suggest that this site was occupied by middle stone age hunter-gatherers. However, based upon the sparse faunal assemblage of mostly forgeable sea creatures (i.e. various mollusks: clams, periwinkle shells, sea urchins), I imagine these peoples were less hunter and more gatherers. Next, the earliest site at Echinus Bay on Helios Island, Level 3, which has been carbon dated to 8000 ± 300 B.P, sees a decline in the usage of flaked obsidian and bifacially worked tools and a rise in bone and ivory hooks. The introduction of hooks sees a dramatic