Professor Levy
English 100
20 January 2013
Necessary Qualities of an English Student To be successful in English 100 a student must be determined, articulate, and disciplined, without determination all other qualities seem minimal because the “want” to succeed is applicable to anything in life. Also without being able to articulate thoughts, experiences, and opinions is essential for clear communication. Discipline ties both qualities together creating the ideal student. All three qualities are very important in my life and are the deciding factor on how I spend my day. Keeping myself determined and driven towards long term and short term goals usually regulates my attitude, and also the actions I take during the day. Social media is a way that in my daily life I am able to articulate my opinions and share events that have taken place, although not consistently grammatically correct it is still an outlet. Discipline is a constant uphill battle, but through my determination I am able to maintain and accomplish things such as making revisions after revision to an essay. As every college student should I have determination not only to pass, but also to excel at everything I put my mind to. This attitude has come to help me. When I was studying for my national registry to become an EMT, I did not understand much of the subject matter. However putting in extra time studying ultimately paid off in the end when I passed the exam on the first attempt. Ruck marches are another example of my determination. For example, walking for 14 or more miles with a bag on that contains heavy gear, and wearing body armor is no easy task. One of the worst experiences I ever ha was a 16km march over what seemed to be the most hill ridden part of Oklahoma, this is not the worst part of the march. The worst part is the amount of time spent making sure not to walk to close to the person in front, and not fall to far behind creating gaps in the formation that is certainly