Family is of great importance to having a functional or dysfunctional development; it will help or impede the child to have a support system in place. The key areas are the family structure, function, shared and non-shared environment. A functional family is a family bonds and works together toward achieving needs. In a difference, the dysfunctional family is the opposite; non-shared environment. In a shared environment, the children are by same parents in the same home and have a crucial role to the development of the Middle childhood and Adolescence period. Children raised by a functional family have some standard to behavior. Parents are first role model. In a functional family, the words that come out from the young child mouth are very selective. The parents built them with such image of respect for both in and out of their environment. Other than behavioral factors, there are conditions that impair the development of the middle childhood. Children living in a non-shares environment maybe malnourished poorly guided, as a result of dysfunctional family. The attitude of such children will most likely be very raw, and disrespectful. Regardless of the family structure, there are stress factors that affect the middle childhood and adolescence development such as separation from both parents if they are divorced, delayed puberty because of malnutrition, adaptation to new
References: Fact Sheets. (2009). Peer Pressure. Retrieved from Stock, C. S. (2010). Love to Know Teens. Retrieved from Berger, K. S. (2010). Invitation to the Life Span. New York: Worth Publishers Cusinato, M., & Carelli, M. G. (N/A). Stages of Childhood - Adolescence, Infancy, Middle Childhood, Toddlerhood - PRESCHOOLRead more: Stages of Childhood - Adolescence, Infancy, Middle Childhood, Toddlerhood - PRESCHOOL. . Retrieved from Oswalt, A. (2008). Sigmund Freud and Child Development . Retrieved from International Child and Youth Care Network. (2001). Social Pressures Lead to Adolescent Rage. Retrieved from