Francis Bacon stated that knowledge is power and as the 21st Century goes, we realize the manifest of these words. This is a time where in education is empowerment, knowledge is power, and intelligence is a weapon, neo and transformative means have arisen for human competition that exceeds the pinnacle of human strength, as well as physical prowess. Intellect has been the foundation and core of the cyber age; and as intellect has been the basis of power, the competitions and challenges to push forth progress has equally been altered.
With the introduction of defining tool of the 21st century, the computer, grand scale-based simulations have suddenly become today’s past time for honing creative, and competitive skills for individuals of all ages; computer simulations of countless varieties considered by previous generations as games have taken a considerable amount of humanity’s economics, life styles, progressions and ultimately time.
Never has there been a technological uprising in society that may remotely compare to today’s world. In every office, every home or any area that aims to be productive in their respective fields a silicon chipset device-based gadget is always a necessity and even mandatory at times. However, these devices of different types, despite being used and programmed primarily for work and productive means, have also been becoming the means for leisure entertainment in computer-based simulations that hold relaxing entertainment that is commonly passed off as ‘games’ or ‘applications’. This event has become the center of many younger individuals to immerse themselves into the alternate and somehow alienating world of a cyberspace where virtual worlds. Eventually one will stumble upon the questions “just how deep has technology been rooted in humanity?” “how is the modern generation affected in this technological revolution?” “what effects do these computers pose on the current