Cited: Aktas, Yasare. “The effects of television food advertisement on children’s food purchasing requests.” Pediatrics International. 48: 138–145, 2006. Harris, Jennifer, Bargh, John and Brownell, Kelly. “Priming Effects of Television Food Advertising on Eating Behavior.” Health Psychology. 28(4): 404-413, 2009. Hargreaves, Duane and Tiggemann, Marika. “Longer-Term Implications of Responsiveness to 'Thin-Ideal ' Television: Support for a Cumulative Hypothesis of Body Image Disturbance.” European Eating Disorders Review, 11(6): 465-477, 2003. Harper, Brit and Tiggemann, Marika. “The effect of thin idea media images on women 's self- objectification, mood, and body image.” Sex Roles, 58 (9-10), 649-658, 2008. Sparks, Glenn. “Media Effects Research: A Basic Overview.” New York: Cengage Learning, 2010.
Cited: Aktas, Yasare. “The effects of television food advertisement on children’s food purchasing requests.” Pediatrics International. 48: 138–145, 2006. Harris, Jennifer, Bargh, John and Brownell, Kelly. “Priming Effects of Television Food Advertising on Eating Behavior.” Health Psychology. 28(4): 404-413, 2009. Hargreaves, Duane and Tiggemann, Marika. “Longer-Term Implications of Responsiveness to 'Thin-Ideal ' Television: Support for a Cumulative Hypothesis of Body Image Disturbance.” European Eating Disorders Review, 11(6): 465-477, 2003. Harper, Brit and Tiggemann, Marika. “The effect of thin idea media images on women 's self- objectification, mood, and body image.” Sex Roles, 58 (9-10), 649-658, 2008. Sparks, Glenn. “Media Effects Research: A Basic Overview.” New York: Cengage Learning, 2010.