Another problem with spanking is that it undermines the relationship between parent and child. It's part of American mythology that spanking is not a big deal and that kids take it in stride, but that isn't what the research shows. Even among kids who say that parents have the right to spank — and most do — it's still a traumatic experience.
Spanking also violates a child's right to grow up free from being assaulted. Just imagine that someone twice or three times as big as you starts hitting you — that's the way kids describe it. It's fearful. Studies have shown that the more kids get spanked, the higher the child's score on a post-traumatic stress test. …show more content…
People are very committed to the idea that spanking is necessary not because they want to hit their kids, but because they believe that it works when other things don't.
But spanking doesn't eliminate bad behavior any more than other forms of discipline, such as explaining what the child is doing wrong or removing the child from the situation. In one study, 73% of mothers reported that their child repeated the same bad behavior even after being spanked for it.
Not all children will suffer negative consequences of spanking. The harm is in the form of a "dose-response." A small dose, like a rare occasional spank, is not going to make a difference most of the time, but sometimes it will. You don't know how spanking is going to affect your child, so the best thing is to avoid it. Instead, use the alternate medicine that works just as well, which is correction and control that doesn't involve hitting the
When used correctly, spanking is safe and effective, and can be an appropriate tool for parents.
Robert Larzelere is a professor of research methodology and statistics in the Department of Human Development and Family Science at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater.
In reviewing all the literature that compares various kinds of punishment, there's one that leads to better outcomes, reduced defiance and reduced aggression in children, and that's what I call backup spanking.
In disciplining children, parents should do everything as kindly and gently as they can first. They should try to understand a child, make sure the child understands what is expected of them, use reasoning and find an adequate nonphysical consequence, like a "timeout" or taking away privileges. But if the child won't cooperate, some kids — at least some of the time — need something more forceful to back it up.