A big percentage(63%) of that is most college graduates are continuously working out at least once a week compared to the 37% of high school graduates (Unknown (2018 January) Is College Education Worth it? Article, pro #6). College will benefit you in the long run no matter what you decide to do. Your mental and physical health are very important to everyone and college helps your chances of both of them increasing. “...Because you are getting skills by getting your degree, no matter what your major is, those skills are going to help you continue to move up the ladder…” (Richard Deitz (2013 August) College is still Worth It, Despite the cost. This was retrieved from …show more content…
When this students are becoming an adult, learning to depend on themselves, and also having a job to keep up with paying for: school, a living space, food, ect. It can put extra stress in that students life that is not needed. “Too many people are going to college because they believe a great American myth: college is for everyone and happiness and wealth depend on a college degree.” (Mack R. (2015, February). Is College a Waste of Time and Money? Retrivied from https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/digital-pandemic/201502/is-college-waste-time-and-money ). It really does depend on the person do they really have the motivation to be in college. Do they really know what they want to do with their lives? If not then they are wasting their money to pick a career they aren’t going to be happy with, it wont motivate them at all to continue with it. “College offers many benefits that can’t be measured by financial coats, but unless the student has high academic ability, self-control, motivation and the ability to concentrate, college can be frustrating and disappointing choice.” (Mack R. Hicks (2015, February). Is College a Waste of Time and Money? Retrieved from https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/digital-pandemic/201502/is-college-waste-time-and-money ). In this case, they are wrong because they are not considering that college is benefitting you in a