In 1960 the police killed 69 blacks in a demonstration, because of that Mandela established the ANCs military wing and went to Algeria for military training. Once he returned to South Africa he was arrested and sentenced to life in prison in August 1962. While he was doing his time in prison he secretly started writing his autobiography Long way to Freedom. Because of the international pressure the South African government was forced to release Mandela in February 1990. He won the Nobel prize for peace in 1993 and became the first black president of South Africa after the first multiracial elections took place in the country.
Mandelas acts and changes he has done can be related to our discussion in class and studies in different ways. The first thing is the type of system Mandela chose for his country and that is a federal system with a strong central government, this lies in the category of governmental systems. Another topic that can be related to our studies is the type of rule he made which is majoritarian but with keeping the rights of minorities and respecting freedom of speech. The way that Mandela added those things to the South African constitution can be related to our topic because we have been studying about constitutions and the different types of that exist.
As everyone I know, I admire Mandela for everything he has done and all what he went through during his long life