Nepotism, Favoritism aNd CroNyism: a study oF their eFFeCts oN job stress aNd job satisFaCtioN iN the baNkiNg iNdustry oF North Cyprus
Huseyin ArAsli And MustAfA tuMer Eastern Mediterranean University, Gazimagusa, North Cyprus
Nepotism, cronyism and favoritism are unprofessional practices giving preferential treatment to relatives and friends in employment. For this study a survey was carried out with 576 respondents working in the banking industry in northern Cyprus. An analysis was then conducted to assess the impact of these practices on job stress, job satisfaction, and intention to quit behavior of employees, as well as word of mouth comments in their workplaces. Results of this study show that nepotism, favoritism and cronyism create job stress in the workplace and this increases dissatisfaction of the staff about their organizations. Nepotism has the greatest negative effect on job stress. Keywords: nepotism, favoritism, cronyism, banking industry, Cyprus.
The service industry is one of the most important income-generating sectors in small states. In the last few decades, some small states have been important service centers in banking, finance and trade services. Among these, Singapore and Hong Kong are examples. In the Mediterranean Sea, two examples are Cyprus and Malta. Bermuda, Bahrain and Jersey are other states that have been studied by Bowe, Briguglio, and Dean (1998). The complex nature of services (Angur, Nataraajan, & Jahera, 1999; Arasli, 2002) results from their common characteristics, which are intangibility, perishability, high customer involvement, simultaneous production and consumption and
Huseyin Arasli, PhD, Associate Professor of Management and Organizational Studies, School of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Eastern Mediterranean University, Gazimagusa, North Cyprus; Mustafa Tumer, PhD, Assistant Professor of Marketing, Faculty