American immigrants pursue and can achieve the American dream. In contrast to other political and economic systems, such as communist dictatorships, America’s free-enterprise system makes possible the circumstances that allow individuals to go beyond meeting their basic needs to achieve self-actualization and personal fulfillment.”
Social media is one way that gives new life and inspiration to the American Dream. Back in the good old days, baby boomers grew up with dreams and aspirations which hit many stumbling blocks to achieving their goals. Some could get through it and others gave up and went in another direction. The stumbling blocks were knocked down. For example, if you wanted to be a writer, you would need an agent or a publisher, Now, you can have your own blog, which gives consumers the opportunity to write from their thoughts to a novel or develop their own brand and receives the publisher’s attention. Video games and online outlets are typically referred as “new media.” These channels, consumers can publish their own and record labels and market them on their own.
Second, LinkedIn is also a social media option that can help you get the career of your dreams. With the right connections, the consumer can get information about jobs before they are posted, and use people to get interviews or provide recommendations which helps the consumers dream come a reality.
Third, computers make life nice and easy.
It improves consumers and their children’s knowledge and teaches them the use of technology. Today’s consumer and children must keep themselves updated on technology due to competition.
Lastly, Social media is the number one place where consumers tend to show off, and make their lives seem better than anyone else's regardless of their situation. For example, every time consumers post on social media they are hoping that people will comment, or get a lot of likes
and opinions on their photos on Facebook or Instagram. Consumers also post on the news feed so they can get a lot of attention. Furthermore, consumers lie about out how wonderful their lives are so everyone can see they are living their American dream. Some consumers believe that they can achieve their American dream through social media
In conclusion, New media has played a huge role in the American Dream. It has transformed the way we communicate and the connection between brands and consumers. Today, we realize we can become successful by using social media. The American Dream is achieved through sacrifice risk-taking, passion and determination to reach their potential goal through New