In the wave of information explosion appeared in 90’ last century, the channels to obtain information among people have apparently been diversified due to the rise of new media outlets through the medium of the Internet. Although some advantage of newspaper has been overshadowed by the excellent performance of new media, newspaper is actively adapting to social and economic transformation based on maintaining its existing advantages. For this reason, the essay will describe newspapers’ prospects and explore whether newspaper have been outdated in the globalised era.
The fact that people tend to choose new media to acquire useful and valuable information rather than mere newspaper is largely due to the advancement of technology. From uses’ point of view, the new media’s appearance paves a way for people’s disparate choice to information carrier such as television, blog, internet and other types of content offerings. These types of media provide a wide range of sensory experience to information receivers, which not only help avoid boredom in the process of obtaining information, but also help readers understand information in depth with the aid of network video, flash animation and sound. From advertisers’ point of view, the primary function of the newspaper is an advertising delivery system and advertisement makes up nearly two thirds of the content in the United States. ( Robert G. Picard, 2008, p.704) The reality is that the newspaper industry has entered a mature period with little growth potential and facing the potential for decline. In this situation, investors are gradually losing enthusiasm to further invest newspaper and this can lead to the dramatic loss in circulation of newspaper; moreover, with the network popularization, the Internet as a carrier of advertisement plays a much more role in spreading information, which inevitably poses a threat to the newspaper’s development.
Although the market share of newspaper