In this advertisement about NEXPLANON it talks about the good, bad and safe ways to be taking this birth control contraceptive. If you are not planning to get pregnant in the next 3 years NEXPLANON is the way to go. NEXPLANON takes the stress out of the birth control routine because there is no daily, weekly, or monthly dosing routine to follow. It’s just a small implant located under the skin to give you up to three years of constant birth control protection that’s more than 99% effective. Although NEXPLANON must be removed by the end of the third year, you can always replace it with a new one. This should all be talked about with your healthcare provider to make sure that NEXPLANON is the right birth control for you.
Many people have asked the question “What if I change my mind about birth control and want to stop using NEXPLANON before 3 years?” Your healthcare provider is allowed to remove the implant at any time during the 3 years of it being inserted. You may become pregnant as early as the first week after the removal of the implant. If you don’t want to get pregnant after your healthcare provider takes out NEXPLANON implant, you should start a different birth control method right away. The way that NEXPLANON is placed and removed is by doing a minor surgical procedure in your healthcare provider’s office. The implant is placed just underneath the skin on the inner side of your upper arm. Before any of the procedure can happen you must take a pregnancy test. Also, you must schedule the insertion at a specific time of your menstrual cycle. This would be within the first days of your regular menstrual bleeding.
This advertisement is portraying women to stop and think about what their plan is going to look like for the next 3 years. “Are you wanting to get pregnant in the next 3 years?” This basic question can make a teenager alltheway to an adult think about what they want their life to look like in their later