H0: The variables will predict whether or not a team will make the playoffs.
H1: The variables will not predict whether or not a team will make the playoffs.
After running the regressions, it’s clear that all of the variables are insignificant at the 5% level.
The only one that may have some significance is the rush rank, yet even that variable is not a great indicator of whether or not a team will make the playoffs.
The relationship between rush rank and making the playoffs is negative, meaning that, with an increase in your likely hood of making the playoffs you decrease your rush rank.
So with the 2008 football season, we reject our null hypothesis (H0).
H0: The variables will predict whether or not a team will make the playoffs.
H1: The variables will not predict whether or not a team will make the playoffs.
After running the regression, we get results that are quite different from the previous year.
Rush rank is no longer significant; it is quite insignificant at the 5% level this year.
The significant variable this year are player salary rank.
Player salary rank- the correlation is positive, so teams with higher salaries tend to have more of a chance of making the playoffs
An increase of player salary rank by 1 increases your probability of going to the playoffs by 1.8%.
In the 2009 season, we reject the null hypothesis (H0).
H0: The variables will predict whether or not a team will make the playoffs.
H1: The variables will not predict whether or not a team will make the playoffs.
In the 2010 season none of the variables were even close to being significant
One trend I saw is that team win % rank is becoming more and more significant throughout the years. Yet, this year it seems that its p-val is getting less significant.
Pass rank seems to be getting more significant showing some signs that the NFL is becoming more of a passing league.
Ultimately, we reject the null hypothesis (H0) for the