Elie is a deeply religious boy whose favourite activates are studying the Talmud and at Night spending time at Synagogue. He was really faithful to religion, just keep talking about religious things and praying and keep questioning about pray. As Elie said “I would run to synagouge to weep over the destruction to the temple.” He used to cry for the destruction of the temple, if something goes wrong with temple than he used to think about that. The religious talks with Moishe the beadle when he makes different question, all were about pray and religions. When Elie said “And why do you pray, Moisho? Asking this question he is showing his interest on god and religion. He used to cry while he pray because he really used to keep faith in god and prayer. He was really interested on studying kabbalah. His father was stopping him to study kabbalah though he found a teacher himself. A young boy showing interest on reading religious book is not the simple thing, only who has faith on god and religion can do such things. As Elie was really religious he was interested on studying kabbalah.
He saw young piple hanging on the gallows and lost faith in God. Nazi’s