Elie’s father is consumed by Death and losses all hope of surviving. He is waiting to die. He quickly becomes ill and eventually passes. After his father’s death, Elie only cares about food. He is liberated April 11, 1945.…
Night is a memoir by Eliezer Wiesel about his experiences during the holocaust. Even though the Wiesle’s were warned about the imminent Nazi invasion of their home town, Sighet, they stayed, resulting in the Jewish population being sent to concentration camps. Here Elie’s family is split up and the memoir truly begins, you hear the story of Elie and his father's struggle for survival in the concentration camps. Through their struggles Elie and his father change dramatically, but in opposite ways. Elie, growing darker transitioning from being a bright boy- comparable to that of the day- to being cold and harsh like night, and his father growing softer and weaker resembling the soft, eerie, sadness of dusk by the end of the novel.…
In the novel Night tells an autobiography about Elie's time in the Holocaust and the book explains how the relationships with his father, and God change in the event of the time he spent during the Holocaust.…
Change is unpredictable and inevitable. You cannot know what alteration it may bring, but it can be expected. In the Autobiography “Night” by Elie Wiesel changes are experienced constantly by the protagonist and his father throughout the story. The changes in Elie’s life throughout the story are shown in form of stages, the beginning stage where Elie feels no affection towards his dad, the second stage where Elie’s relationship with his father gets stronger than ever, and the last change, when Elie becomes indifferent towards his own feelings.…
The book Night by Elie Wiesel, is about the journey a teenage boy name Elie. Elie wrote this book about how he survived the holocaust. From the beginning we know he survived long enough to tell the stories about the terrible things man has put other man through. Elie changes a lot throughout the book. His religion, family, and his perspective on life changes drastically.…
In the novel Night, Elie Wiesel shares his story on his personal experience during the holocaust and what it took to survive from 1933 to 1945. The novel follows Elie through his new harsh experiences such as his time in the concentration camps, the loss of his religion, the flexible relationship with his dad and many other scenarios that he struggles in. Elie Wiesel shows the relationship between the family to prove that fighting to stay together can strengthen and improve each other’s motivation to fight to survive.…
His father was a busy community leader and he did not have much time for his family. In the beginning of the memoir, Elie noted his father was more concerned with others than with his family. As the atrocities of the camps escalated, it was a major goal of Elie’s to stay with his father. In the camps, their relationship changed drastically to one of protection. Elie’s outlook on family was very different inside the camps. His father went from barely caring for him to being a protective father and depending on each other for survival. After seeing the rest of his family disappear, he knew his father was his last relative so he clung to him. However, as life in the camps continued, there were times Elie resented having to take care of his father and began to blame him for their troubles. An example of this was while his father was being beaten. Elie thought “... if I felt anger at that moment, it was not directed at the Kapo but at my father. Why couldn’t he have avoided Idek’s wrath? That was what life in a concentration camp had made of me …” (54). The camps were filling Elie with anger and blame; he was upset because his father was getting hurt and his innocence was stripped from him. This is what the camps were trying to accomplish - break people down so they could not rebel successfully and in this case they succeeded. Another example of a time when Elie disliked having to take care of his father was…
Elie had to make a lot of changes to his lifestyle. When they first got to the camp him and his father got separated from his mother and sister. Elie says “Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, which turned my life into one long night.” (43) Elie went with his dad because he was more like his dad than he was his mom. There was one major change and it was with his dad. In the beginning he would do almost anything to keep his dad with him and make sure his dad was okay. When his dad started to get beat, he would not move or say anything even when his dad cried out to him for help because he was scared for his own life. Elie cared for his dad to a great extent but when it came to his own life he would not help his…
Towards the middle of the book, Elie’s father is sent to a different block, and he and Elie have relied on each other up to that point. Elie’s father gives him utensils which will help him with his situation at the moment: “Look, take this knife,” he said to me. “I don’t need it any longer. It might be useful to you. And take this spoon as well. Don’t sell them. Quickly! Go on. Take what I’m giving you!”(Weisel 71). This teaches Elie that no one will be there anymore for him to rely on. He will have to use anything somewhat useful to survive. He can’t trust anyone there, thus having to become selfish. He has to be selfish with what he can find, and what his father gave to him in order to help his situation in Auschwitz. This will be crucial to his survival of the death camp. This isn’t the only time Elie has to rely on himself and be selfish at the death camp. Towards the end of the book, the prisoners at Auschwitz were forced to march many miles away from the camp. The person he was marching next to wasn’t able to keep walking, nonetheless was trampled by the other prisoners. Elie kept on marching because he realized he had to think of himself and rely on only him from then on: “I quickly forgot him. I began to think of myself again.”(Weisel 82). This explains why Elie comes to realize that he can no longer rely on anyone but himself. He can’t think of anyone else and how they are…
The Nazi’s were brutal to the Jews, they would abuse them and make them starve to death. Elie had to go through that in the camps. He had to put up with the abuse and the hunger. For example, one major thing that affected Elie was when his father died. At this point he has a completely different attitude; “I shall not describe my life during that period. It no longer mattered. Since my father's death, nothing mattered to me anymore” (113). After that nothing seem to touch him; he was angry how the Nazi’s abused his father. It was as he also lost his the ability to care about his survival, his own…
This is the opposite, but Elie realizes this. He knows that this is wrong and that even considering the act himself makes him feel worse. Elie never really considers leaving his father. The author notices that his own father is growing weaker and weaker, but he knows he must not leave him. The loyalty he has to his father, even after he himself is wounded, truly shows how much he loves his…
Your father is someone you look up to, model after, he is someone you want to be like. But, entering a concentration camp could have a tragic impact on that relationship between a father and son. In Night, Eliezer and his father go through many ups and downs that reflect on how strong their relationship really is. Elie Wiesel uses an effective father and son relationship to illustrate the effects of what concentration camps have on human beings. Eliezer and his father own a quite distant relationship, a strong growing relationship, and a picture perfect relationship.…
Nothing in human history can compare to the barbarity and the atrocities that were committed in the Nazi concentration/death camps. In the book Night by Elie Wiesel, he describes in detail the horrific events and tragedies that he experienced during the concentration camps. He talks about how he lost his family and how his relationship with his father transitions throughout the story. Elie describes how his relationship with his father evolves from them being distant, to them getting closer, to Elie helping his dad, to his dad becoming his burden.…
When children are young, they possess an ignorance about their parents’ unerring wisdom. Children progress through life following their parent’s guidance and hold the words said to them at heart. However, when the mind and body continually develops within a child they lose this naive impressionability and during this time they are able to comprehend the truth. This being they have to realize that their parents do not know everything, which understandably leads to dissatisfaction. In Elie Wiesel’s Night, Elie undergoes a similar transformation alongside his father as Elie experiences his father’s conspicuous change. Under the perpetual cruelty and harsh conditions faced in the concentration camps, Elie’s exasperation steadily evolves. His father is the stemming of his…
During the few final chapters is where Elie shows his changed personality. When in the final camp, Elie is looking for his father and thinks, “only if I didn’t find him” “what a relief it would be” pg.(106). Even though Elie felt ashamed of his thoughts, this is the second event that showed him becoming a brute. Elie knew that keeping his farther alive was a hindrance to him, and it would be easier to survive without him. As Elie’s father grows weaker, he is unable to move. One day an ss officer…