Slavery or Opportunity?
Nike-Helping the poor
Thesis- In the past Nike has had problems with sweatshops, but the company is helping the poor and has changed in many ways.
I. Problems
A. Worker wages
1. How much they get paid
2. Can they fulfill their basic needs
3. Can they support a family
B. Quality of environment
1. Conditions they live in
2. Type of protection they use against harm
3. Chemicals or solvents they used to make a product with
II. Improvements
A. Sweatshops
1. What are the conditions after improvements?
B. Chemicals
1. What do they use these harmful chemicals for?
2. Any protection?
3. Are they harmful to the environment?
C. Wages
1. How much can they get paid now?
2. Can they fulfill their basic needs now?
3. Can they support a family now?
III. Helping the poor
A. Gives them jobs
1. What other options do they have?
2. How much do they need to survive?
B. Keeps them away from bad things
1. Lists of bad things they can do instead of a job
IV. Nike as of right now
A. What they so far changed
1. Chemicals
2. Environment
3. Treatment
B. Worker conditions
1. Are they cleaner and easy to handle?
C. Worker wages
1. Are they happy?
Conclusion-Nike has made many mistakes with sweatshops, but they are offering poor people jobs and can help the poor from doing worse things.
Nike plays an enormous role in our youth fashion and athletic attire and has a huge role in our world’s economy and the global effect it has on our earth. Working in the enormous Nike factories around the world is an opportunity to help these people survive. It is not slavery; it is a chance for the poor to get a job and support their families. Nike said they would change their practices and they have. Nike had a few steps to get back into the game. The first step was to identify the problems such as workers’ wages, working environment and then make the improvements, and while doing that they were helping the poor. In the past,
Cited: DiLorenzo, Thomas. "How 'Sweatshops ' Help the Poor." 18 Feb. 2010 . "Frequently Asked Questions." Global Exchange. 18 Feb. 2010 . "Still Waiting For Nike To Do It." Global Exchange. 18 Feb. 2010 . Turner, Bambi. "Facts About Nike Sweatshops |" EHow. 18 Feb. 2010 .