Novo Nordisk Engineering (NNE) went through a fundamental re-thinking of its business through the development of fast track projects in the pharmaceutical industry. The company succeeded in reducing the time needed to deliver a pharmaceutical factory from over three years down to 11 months winning the 2005 pharmaceutical Facility of the Year award. Fast-track projects meant a lot of pressure on the client, and some were just not ready to play. The client had to adapt to changes which many linked to an increase in cost and time. To ensure fast decision-making and client agreement on proposed solutions, the Project Management Team (PMT) had to build trust between NNE and the customer. In addition, there had to be a willingness from suppliers to take risks, a commitment to be part of the project team and a co-location with the rest of the project team. Modular technology was used to simplify and speed-up the project. Although speed was crucial, it was not achieved at the expense of quality. Each project had a quality activity plan, describing the quality goals agreed with the client, as well as methods to achieve goals. NNE continuously re-evaluated its process, gradually reducing the time needed to build a factory. In addition, they changed the way customers bought facilities away from the lowest bid approach. Project focus was shifted from specification-driven to time-driven. Trust had to be created with the customer by sharing risks. An investment in team building was made and a company culture focused on project execution. Customers and suppliers were made part of the implementation team fostering information sharing between all parties involved in the construction.
Analysis & Findings
In this section, we are going to discuss the analysis & findings behind NNE implemented strategy, the fast-track project execution and the management of this type of projects through answering the following questions:
Which are the key success