The Orion Shield scenario presented a novice project manager’s actions, inactions and subsequent results during a project to produce materials for an orbiter’s launch booster rocket. While the contracted company eventually succeeded in producing a product, the project was plagued with numerous challenges that could have resulted in failure and did indeed result in the demotion of the project manager. There were business strategy, structural, contractual, ethical, and communication issues that impacted the successful completion of the project, causing cost overruns, strained internal relationships and customer distrust and dissatisfaction. Various solutions are recommended to decrease the incidence of issues in the future. These solutions include the proper use of strategic and business planning, pre-initiation and kick-off activities, and coordination tools, such as dashboards and project management software. Finally, the overall performance of the project manager is assessed and suggestions made for his improvement.
The Orion Shield scenario presented a novice project manager’s actions, inactions and subsequent results during a project to produce materials for an orbiter’s launch booster rocket. While the contracted company eventually succeeded in producing a product that met most requirements, the project was plagued with numerous challenges that could have resulted in failure and did indeed result in the demotion of the project manager. This paper will attempt to identify and examine those challenging issues, discussing their origins and impacts. In addition, solutions will be proposed for several selected issues. Finally, a brief discussion of the project manager’s overall performance will be presented.
Issue Discussion
The fictional subcontractor recently changed its business objective, moving from concentrating on low cost production to participating in research and development and qualification projects