We are meeting Max in elegant, turn-of-the-century ballroom renovated to bar with large fireplace, loft height high enough to fit a tallish oak tree and much space to reflect and share his passion while exceedingly polite, yet friendly staff, makes our stay charming. One of the well-groomed waiters stops by Max Noble to ask about his latest travel to London. The ageing waiter seems to enjoy to chatter with him and it is noticeable that Noble feels home at NIMB, the most refined …show more content…
He likes to surround himself with people who he shares values with. Max Noble’s written values such as excellence, wisdom, generosity, courage and Old World manners are combined with a twist of an adventure, a quest to find the sublime Kairos moment. When Max Noble is asked if he is in search for the meaning of life, he pauses for a minute, looks into fireplace and quotes Joseph Campbell "No, in search for the experience of being alive".
On the one hand Max Noble is the charismatic - as he is when globetrotting, talking and joking with his group of friends and partners or any of people who he chooses to meet with; on the other, as when he is listening to his artists or collectors who are close to him, he is what in traditional business have long been called trusted advisor. The businessman sitting closest to Max Noble introduces himself and admits to have been listening for a while. He wants to hear more about the watches and which artists Noble works with. Max Noble welcomes the interruption and tells that each timepiece is commissioned by the collector and the artist is chosen after a private consultation session, - held normally at one the collector’s …show more content…
This is especially true for the high-end markets where the art and timekeeper prices have been booming for decades. Max Noble sees his creations as not part of the normal market mechanics though. Noble’s universe is strongly influenced by renaissance age when kings and nobility commissioned art, always unique, always from the best craftsmen and artists, creating the magnificent creations of art from that era. Ultimately he wants to create “unforgettable moments and personal iconic works of art”. Noble is striving for a synthesis of old and new to stop the time, resulting an unprecedented expansion of mastery, - at least momentarily. This does not happen automatically Noble admits, and he is also selective whom he chooses to work