N Vijaya Lakshmi*
The present study was conducted on a sample size of 325 students who were pursuing MBA Program in a premier B-School in India. Cattell’s
“16 Personality Factor (16PF) questionnaire” was used to study the differences in the personality factors of introverts and extroverts with respect to three global factor measures, viz., anxiety, tough poise and independence.The hypotheses formulated were that, introverts were more on high anxiety, show tender-minded emotionality and were more subdued as compared to extroverts. Logistic regression was carried out and the results supported the hypotheses. The implications of these findings are discussed for the benefit of career counselors and soft skills trainers. Introduction
Personality is a term which is most commonly used to describe an individual’s set of traits, some of which are in some way commonly related to others and some are unique to each individual. We describe people by using words like perfectionist, sincere, bold, etc., and call it as personality of the person. Gordon Allport, the pioneer in personality theory, defined personality as, “The dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his unique adjustments to his environment.”
Personality is not a single independent mechanism but closely related to other human cognitive and emotional systems. Personality is not just what we have but rather how we relate to the world around us. A number of different theoretical approaches on personality exist, such as psychodynamic approach, social learning approach and the humanistic approach. These various approaches to personality help in analyzing personality, as personality itself is a hypothetical construct which can never be directly observed but can only be inferred from behavior.
Personality encompasses the relatively enduring characteristics that differentiate
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