Different regions ruled by different tribal chiefs and kings, after time small kingdoms formed together, this continued until about six thousand years ago, then split into two kingdoms Lower Egypt, and Upper Egypt. About five thousand years ago, the king of upper Egypt led an army to conquer Lower Egypt, and his name was King Narmer. They built a capital on the border between upper, and lower named Memphis. It was ruled by thirty different dynasties five thousands- two hundred-three hundred years ago. Egypt had tremendous economic prosperity and stability. Pyramids were the tomb that were protected by the guards, if you were caught raiding the tomb instant death sentence. When a body was mummified the brain was removed through one of its nostrils, and its intestines were removed, and placed in jars called Caropic. Kings were believed to be chosen by gods to serve as mediators, after their death they would become Osiris ( god of Death) The new pharaoh would become Horus (Falcon God) who served as protector of the sun god. Large portion of population worked as farm workers on the estates of noblemen. Agriculture was their biggest source of wealth, hunting was a leisure activity for the rich. The kings took crops as taxes.As pharoh he had to make sure his people were safe and made a profit, they would either declare war and take their…