NECESSARY MUSIC: The first category that Oppenhaim mentions in his article is Necessary Music. As its name describes it, this category is about music that is incredibly necessary in a film, to let the viewer understand and the movie to show its objective clearer. In this case, the music is extremely essential for a movie scene or an act; it would be a pointless image without a deep purpose, simply meaningless. This category divides in two subcategories explained below.
Source Music: This subcategory refers to the music that is part of the film; the music that characters can hear, play or dance to. This music describes a situation from a character. …show more content…
Non-Diegetic: Is most of the music used in films, the music that characters cant hear because is not directly part of the story, is just for the audience to listen.
Differences with Oppenhaim:
The first main difference in these two articles is that Oppenhaim’s explanation is quite more detailed than Barreto’s, he does a complete and interesting analysis about functions in film music while Barreto’s article is much more general, without categories and subcategories.
The second difference is the way in which the aboard this topic, even though it is the same one, Oppenhaim has a determined structure and is focused on explaining the categories and subcategories while Barreto reaches a completely different “result” or conclusion after his investigation.
Finally, the examples used by both authors are way different. Barreto uses more common and simple examples to explain a certain topic, while Oppenhaim uses more complex examples to describe or support the same information.
* Barreto, J. D. (NA de 6 de 2012). Film Music. Film Music . Bogotá, Cundinamarca, Colombia: