1. Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
Motivation is the willing to exert higher level of effort towards organizational goals conditioned by the ability to satisfy some individual needs (Robbins, p168, 1998).
Understanding individual motivation requires continual updating in order to reflect the most current mix of goals. As people become better educated and economically blessed, the traditional carrot and stick policies only scratch the surface. The ever increasing constraints, internal as well as external, imposed on organizations further erode the power of managers to motivate employees ( Rao & Narayana, p429, ).
Motivators are associated with positive feelings of employees about the job. They are related to the content of the job. They make people satisfied with their job. If managers wish to increase motivation and performance above the average level, they must enrich the work and increase a person’s freedom on the job. Motivators are necessary to keep job satisfaction and job performance high (Rao & Narayana, p450, ).
The Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Agency (DPPA), formerly known, as the Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (RRC), was first established in June 1974 following the outbreak of famine in the two northern provinces of Ethiopia, namely, Wollo and Tigray. From 1991 on wards Ethiopia is undergoing drastic political and economic and constitutional reforms to cope up with the deep rooted poverty of the country. In this regard the government of Ethiopia promulgated various workable policies as a general guiding principle. One of the important measures taken by the government is the adoption of new public sector reform to improve the implementing capacity and effectiveness of the public institutions. In this endeavor, to tackle long time taking service delivery, incompetence, irresponsiveness and stagnation The FDRE is implementing BPR in almost all public institutions of which Ministry of Agriculture is no