1 Introduction
By the Peace of Westphalia ended the thirty years war, began the world politics and began the establishment of political system. There are global organizations controlled by states like United Nations (UN) and regional organizations which are the members from the nearest area with the same ideologies and take same principal of the organization like European Union (EU). Other side there are informal organization or also called Non-State Actors (NSA) that controlled by people from the states. Together they increase the world politics. NSA influenced the political systems also affected in the International Relations.
In this essay I would divided into three topics: (1) Non-State Actors, (2) Non-State Actors in the International Relations. With these cases, I would explain about Non-State Actors, the background and the types of NSA. Find and connecting NSA case with the International Relation. The case will be explain by describing the issue and give some samples.
The choice of these two cases are significant because they are related each other. NSA is easy to discuss and easier to understand. As we knew that NSA is the political organization and it’s actual in a life on the world politics. By giving some samples and kind of cases, it will be more explanation about the relation of NSA and International Relations. How could NSA affected the International Relations by joined their membership organization with UN and create some activities that related to the issue of diplomatic or conferences that marked by UN.
The structure of this essay is as follows. First I will explain about Non-State Actors, the types of Non-State Actors (NSA), and next about NSA in International Relations. Special attention will be paid on the NSA participate in UN conference and Programme.
2 Non-State Actors (NSA)
The background
The Westphalia (1648) ended the thirty years war. Also ended the
References: Kegley, C.W., eds (2008), World Politics: Trend and Transformation. USA: Thomson Higher Education. Robert Jean, and Leguey Feilleux. (2009), The Dynamics of Diplomacy. USA: Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc. http://www.bbc.co.uk/indonesia/dunia/2011/10/111026_libianato.shtml taken on 30 October at 08.28 p.m.