In the episode “Dirty Blind”, the experts utilize cues such as blink rates, vocal tone, pupil dilation, body movement, etc. as signals of heightened anxiety or stress. So, although there is no way of telling if the observed stress is caused by lying or by something else, these observations can help to pinpoint deception or the truth in many situations. In fact, humans are believed to lie, or deceive in some way, approximately three times in every ten minutes of conversation! The series “Lie to Me” is completely based off the science of what is communicated nonverbally from person to person. It uses the suppressed expressions which seem to simply slip out before realized and are then quickly replaced with more acceptable reactions that each and every one of us execute in every day
In the episode “Dirty Blind”, the experts utilize cues such as blink rates, vocal tone, pupil dilation, body movement, etc. as signals of heightened anxiety or stress. So, although there is no way of telling if the observed stress is caused by lying or by something else, these observations can help to pinpoint deception or the truth in many situations. In fact, humans are believed to lie, or deceive in some way, approximately three times in every ten minutes of conversation! The series “Lie to Me” is completely based off the science of what is communicated nonverbally from person to person. It uses the suppressed expressions which seem to simply slip out before realized and are then quickly replaced with more acceptable reactions that each and every one of us execute in every day