Ch. 3 - Culture
Norm Breaking
Breaking Social Norms
Do we really have the freedom to do whatever we want? You will question this through your experience of violating a social norm. Once you have chosen the norm you will break, complete the following in either written form or digital recording form (these must be completed in the order below). When working with a partner, both members MUST violate the norm on film and both members must participate in ALL parts of the requirements listed below TOGETHER. ***Video evidence must be provided of the norm breaking even if you are not choosing a movie as the final product.
1. Describe the norm that will be violated.
2. Predict the sanction that you will receive as a consequence of the norm violation.
3. Violate the social norm (witnesses needed to watch for sanctions/reactions and to record digitally).
4. Describe the sanction/s by others.
5. Describe/explain your internal reaction to the norm violation and sanction/s.
6. Explain your understanding of the importance of norms in society.
***It is strictly prohibited to violate a law for this assignment. If you choose to violate a law, you will earn a zero…and possibly jail time. ***
Other requirements:
1. You must RECORD your violation using a video camera or cell phone unless you have received PERMISSION from the teacher PRIOR to carrying out the norm violation. Failure to do this will result in zero points on the assignment.
2. This is a PARTNER project. You may choose to work alone but I highly recommend that you work with someone. Groups larger than two will not be permitted. Working alone is allowed.
3. Your final product may be a movie or a written response. a.) If you choose to write a paper, both partners must write and submit their OWN individual papers. The violation of the norm must be recorded an provided to me as evidence. You may email this to me. Make certain to label the names of the violators in the subject