Foster Associates has produced many well known
Foster Associates has produced many well known
Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) is a renowned American architect, interior designer, writer, and educator credited with the completion of more than 532 amazingly designed buildings. Wright a devoted naturalist felt man-made structures should coexist with humanity. For instance, his organic approach to architecture implemented many beautiful characteristics of nature such as water, stone, and wood into his designs of, schools, churches, museums, hotels and office buildings.…
Norma Sklarek Was The First African American Women To Earn An Architect’s License In The State Of New York. Not Only Did She Build A Lasting Career In A Field Dominated By White Men. She Was Also An Advocate For More Women In The Field. Later In Her Career, She Started Her Own All Woman Architect Firm.…
Frank Lloyd Wright: The creator of “organic architecture” which the purpose was to create a harmony between the humans and environment.…
Richard Jordan Gatling (1818-1903) was born on a plantation in Hertford County, North Carolina, on September 12th 1818 ( He is an American inventor best known for his invention of the Gatling gun. His father worked on machines to sow cotton and thin out cotton plants on the plantation ( He worked with his father to perfect the machines on the farm at an early age. At age 15 he started to work at the county clerk’s office, and by the time he turned 19 he left the county clerk’s office to teach school and become a merchant ( At the age of 21 he perfected a practical screw propeller for steamboats, only to find that a patent had been granted to John Ericsson for a similar invention a few months earlier ( At the age of 22 he was able to successfully patent a rice planter, which was the beginning of his notoriety. He later moved to St Louis, Missouri at the age of 26, where he worked in a dry goods store and manufactured seed planters ( He adapted the current cotton sowing machine and made it work to sow rice, wheat, and other grains. The adoption of these machines revolutionized the agricultural system in the country (…
Louis Kahn, born in 1901, was an American vastly known for his works as an architect. Alongside being an architect, he was an artist, teacher and to a certain extent a philosopher, some might label him as poet and one of the great thinkers of his time. Charles E. Dagit, Jr says ‘His was a genius that profoundly changed the course of architecture worldwide’. (Louis I. Kahn: Architect, 2013, page xi). Louis Kahn’s legacy began from an early age where in high school his teachers immediately noticed Louis developing on his drawings and placed him in courses that nurtured his skills. He progressed his education and talent into architectural studies and received full funding to the University Of Pennsylvania, graduating 1924. He started to work as a senior designer, draughtsman for City of Philadelphia’s architect John Molitor for the Sesquicentennial International…
In rudimentary architecture the human presence can seem subject to the domination of nature. Architecture cannot disengage it self from the natural and human factors, it never do so, it function rather is to bring nature ever close to us. Everything should be on the premise of respect for the natural. And consider…
- Different angle to separate different areas like doctors’ wing and lounge for different function.…
Architecture is the art and profession of planning, designing and constructing form, space and ambiance to reflect a functional and aesthetic environment. People spend most of every day in a building of some kind. Whether it is a place to live, work, play, learn, worship, shop, or eat, buildings influence and shape people’s everyday lives. No matter if these places are private or public; indoors or out, rooms, skyscrapers, or complexes, architects are responsible for the designing of these structures. Architects are skilled in the arts and sciences of building designs and develop and turn concepts for structures into reality. Throughout history there have been many fields…
Modernisim covers many poltitcal and cultural movements that are rooted in the changes in Western society at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century.…
Modernism in the 1920s consisted of the middle class perception and how their life was changing not to mention the offers that were within their reach. New products or ideas to the normal way of life was also a part of modernism. Many new technologies awed and changed so many lives. Plus new looks regarding fashion and new appearences for both sexes.…
Love is all consuming, and can not be defined with one word. One of the most famous literary texts about the variations of love is William Shakespeare 's ‘Romeo and Juliet’. In the play Shakespeare utilizes language techniques, characterization and plot to provide the reader with a range of ideas about love. The fundamentals of the play lie within the protagonist, Romeo where the notions of love are held. This essay will explore the variations of love depicted in the play, and discuss what literary techniques are used by Shakespeare in defining love.…
“Architecture begins to matter when it goes beyond protecting us from elements, when it begins to say something about the world—when it begins to take on the qualities of art.” (Goldberger)…
Even though the shape of the building looks a bit funny on the plan, in reality this building looks great, especially with the materiality choice. Glass is the dominant material, and this provides delicateness to the building. Also the lighting that was chosen for the building plays a well role as it illuminates the interior and creates a warm, as well as inviting atmosphere to the building and the surrounding areas. The way Norman placed the columns is very appealing to me. I find it very clean and smooth how he spread the columns equally around its irregular shape. He contrasted symmetry with irregularity, resulting a dynamic, creative…
Robert Venturi was only thirty-four when he was requested by his mother to design and build a house for her. Up until this time all of Venturi’s designs had been mostly theoretical. He was now given a chance to make them concrete.2 It could be understood that Robert’s mother’s house was designed to help him with his career; he was given an opportunity to design and construct a building instead of writing and teaching about them. The Vanna Venturi House was to be Robert Venturi’s first building. Like many architects he was driven to test his ideas through construction.3 The house went through six basic schemes and six models were made to clearly exhibit the form of the house and Venturi’s evolving ideas.4…
Architecture was the first style to push beyond modernist values and shift to post-modern values. Modern architecture followed a uniform style that appears in the de Stijl movement; which preferred order, horizontal/vertical lines, simplicity, sameness, universal form, and purism; meanwhile, the Bauhaus movement used industrial materials and simple geometric forms. The international style or what can be termed as present-day architecture followed the modernist values of architecture; simple geometric forms such as rectangular prisms or as people of today call them “Skyscrapers”. Those three phases incorporated geometric forms over and over, but nothing extreme like the post-modern architecture. Post-modern…