Seminar: Tuesday 5:00 pm
March 25th, 2013
ERSC 1000
Northern Gateway Pipeline
Imagine yourself looking across a river, filled with birds, deer and a beaver. These animals are at peace and you are at peace with the ultimate certainty that all things will be right, healthy, and indestructible. Until the Northern Gateway Pipeline is built directly through the lake, disrupting not only you, but the environment, habitat and ecosystem.
The Northern Gateway Project is a major pipeline proposed to carry crude oil from the Alberta Oil Sands to Kitimat British Columbia. It will provide temporary jobs for 62,700 people for 10 years and will leave 1,150 long-term jobs after the pipeline is built. Although this is a positive effect, it has the potential to cause a great deal of negative effects on the environment, habitat and people living in the surrounding towns. (1)
The Coastal First Nations group is protective against the pipeline but have run out of money the Pipeline Board allotted them for investigations, interrogations and legal fees. Of the $520,000 they requested, they only received $286,000 which is no match to the Enbridge group, who are pushing for the pipeline to be built, which received $250 million from the board. (3)
Recently, the First Nations had to leave the hearing of the Pipeline Project because of this disadvantage. The Coastal First Nations represented nine aboriginal bands, meaning there will not be a proper review of the safety of the aboriginal lands that the Enbridge claims. (3)
First Nations clans have created a band petition that says pipelines and oil tankers are forbidden in the Fraser River and ocean. (2) The pipeline would run through, over and around 800 streams and rivers including British Columbia’s two largest wild salmon watersheds, destroying migration routes for the Fraser River Salmon. (6)
With oil tankers in the Fraser River and ocean, the smallest spill from the pipeline would be near impossible
References: 1. The Northern Gateway Oil Pipeline. MJ Whiticar University of Vancouver. 2012. Retrieved on March 10, 2013.