Work Smarter, FiniSh FaSter!
Norton A275 is proven sandpaper technology that consistently outperforms conventional abrasives. It cuts faster, runs cooler, resists loading better, and lasts longer to help maximize productivity.
ProveN PerformANce. Proven reSultS.
Better Performance norton a275 DeliverS reSultS feather-edging Sanding PrimerS StriPPing old Paint dry Sanding PlaStic and PUtty
What makes high performance norton a275 deliver? a sharp, heat-treated p-graded aluminum oxide abrasive coupled with an anti-loading agent, bonded to a tough, tear resistant latex/paper backing. the result? a high-quality, high-performance long lasting sandpaper that produces a quick, cool cut without loading.
❚ Premium heat-treated grain ❚ Premium B-weight latex reinforced paper backing ❚ fePa P-graded grain ❚ Superior bond system ❚ Waterbased stearate no-fil ❚ no pigment in no-fil or bond
❚ 30% - 50% faster cut rate ❚ extended life ❚ improved performance ❚ more flexible ❚ achieves a more consistent, uniform scratch pattern ❚ optimizes grain adhesion ❚ extends cut life ❚ improves load resistance ❚ extends cut life ❚ eliminates the risk of color transfer ❚ creates a much stronger bond
imProve PerFormance for years, norton a275 has repeatedly demonstrated the ability to cut faster, and without clogging or loading. this means you increase your productivity and save time on the job. and the newly designed ultra fine grits have a super smooth backing which translates to a consistent cut with no wild scratches so you can buff out the job faster.
increaSe ProDuctivity the number one cost in a shop is labor. norton a275 lasts two to three times longer than conventional abrasives so you can spend time getting the job completed faster by spending less time sanding and using less product.
From Start to FiniSh... imProve reSultS
Using a sandpaper that will