9. Welcome by Priest or Deacon- Questioning of parents to confirm their wish of baptism- Sign of cross traced on child’s forehead- Liturgy of word- Homily
10. Celebrate within a wider rite of initiation which also includes Chrismation and Eucharist- Child immersed three times in the baptismal font- full immersed used- Baptism followed by anointing of the body- Child receives eucharist. Is where a person makes a conscious decision to believe in Jesus Christ.
Held as part of the Sunday worship service- Full immersion- Dressing in baptismal garment- Changing of wet garments- Testimony-candidate
Public place, Full immersion, Set patterns
Quote Mark 1:4. - And so John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins
Jesus himself accepted the baptism of John (Mark 1:9)
And gave instructions to his followers to baptise people in his name (Matthew 28:19)
The use of water as the central symbol of baptism reflects the belief in God as creator and humankind's dependence on God. It calls to mind images of the waters of chaos from the Genesis accounts of creation (Genesis 1:2) as well as the destructive power of the flood in the story of Noah (Genesis 7-8) and finally the miraculous crossing of the Red Sea in the accounts of the Exodus (Exodus