Chapter 1.
Civilizations of America-prmarily small nomadic bands. Primitive agriculture. Hunting fishing.
Incas-powerful empire of 6 million. Complex political system very sophisticated culture. Located in south and central America. Never had any system of writing or paper.
Aztec-very advanced, located in lower and middle Mexico.
Civilizations of the North. Never one large civilization but lots of little ones. Many different tribes.
Includes Eskimos, tribes of pacific northwest, far west.
Some tribes were based on fishing.
Agriculture of northeast was slash and burn technique.
Many of the tribes living east of the mississipi river lins by language roots. Largest language group was Algonquin tribes, which lived along atlantic seaboard from Canada to Virginia.
The iroquis confederation in upstate new york was elaborately organized in mid 15th century. 5 nations- Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, and Mohawk. Also linked with cheerokees and Tuscaoras in Carolinas and Georgia.
Third largest language group was the tibes of southernmost eastern seaboard. Chickasaws, chocataws, creeks and sminoles.
Little or no alliacneces between tribes.
Europeans almost unaware of Americas. Europe was small and tightly closed and provincial. Two changes caused Europe to look to new lands; Black Death and its subsequent population rebound which lead to new growth in commerce and prosperity. Interest in new markets grew. Rise of commerce included rise of new governments. In western areas of Europe, pope and roman catholic church authority was weak and new monarchs rose to create nation states with armies and courts and tax systems.
Europe needed new faster route to asia. First was portugese, Prince Henery the navigator.
Christopher Columbus, of Genova Italy. Asked Isabella and Ferdinand of Spain monarchy for sponsership. Was given the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria and 90 men. Found the Bahamas and Cuba at first, believeing they were Japan and