The verb
Main verbs and helping verbs
Exercise eight
Exercise nine
Action verbs and
= adjective (which kind?) 3. small = adjective (what kind?); his = pronoun 4. he = pronoun; same = adjective (which one?) 5. inscription = common noun; anyone = indefinite pronoun 6. respect = noun; nobody = indefinite pronoun 7. other = adjective (which one?); English = proper adjective 8. Stratford = proper noun; which = pronoun 9. one = adjective (how many?); himself = pronoun (reflexive) 10. this = pronoun (demonstrative); theater = common noun A word that is used to express action or a state of being • Main or helping verbs • Action or linking verbs • Transitive or intransitive verbs A verb phrase consists of one main verb and one helping verb • A helping verb expresses an action or state of being (be words,