Mass media campaigns have recently been shown to be effective in changing behaviors
This chapter describes a safer sex mass media campaign. The purpose is to test whether a televised HIV/AIDS media-only campaign could impact safer sexual beliefs and behavior.
Sensation Seeking
Sensation seeking – the seeking of varied, novel, complex, and intense sensations and experiences, and the willingness to take physical, social, legal, and financial risks for the sake of such experience.
Research found sensation seeking to be the personality trait with the strongest and most consistent relationships with risky sexual behavior (# sexual partners, unprotected intercourse).
HHS prefer messages that are high in sensation value (content and formal features elicit strong sensory, affective, and arousal responses)
SENTAR Approach – 4 major principles
1. Use sensation seeking as a major segmentation variable
2. Conduct formative research with HHS member of the target audience
3. Design HSV prevention messages to reach HHS
4. Place campaign messages in HSV contexts
Impulse Decision Making
Decision making ranges from: - Highly rational style involving careful consideration of cognitive cues to a very impulsive act-without-thinking process that relies primarily on affective and physiological cues.
Impulse Decision Makers (IDMs) significantly more likely to:
- have had sex
- use alcohol/ marijuana
- have unwanted sex under pressure while drunk.
The study found moderate positive relationship between sensation seeking and impulse decision-making.
A tested integrative model of condom use among male & female adolescents using structural equation modeling with longitudinal data.
Found that impulsive decision making was significantly related to