• A or an • Sentences using Yes, it is/No, it isn’t • Sentences using Yes, they are/No, they aren’t • Singular Plural • Punctuation • My Favorite Fruit (Essay) • This is, There is/These are, There are • My Mom (Essay) • Noun • Proper Nouns • Verb • Sentences using can/can’t • My Pet (Essay) • Words/Opposites • Masculine/Feminine • Comprehension
Unit 0:
Topic 1: A or an
Exercise: (in copy)
Q1: Fill in the blanks with a or an? 1. It’s a mat. 2. This is an umbrella. 3. It’s a book. 4. It’s an orange. 5. This is a fish. 6. It’s a tree. 7. It’s a cup. 8. This is an egg. 9. This is a pencil. 10. It’s an insect.
Topic 2: Introducing “Myself”
1. My name is _____________. 2. I am ___________ years old. 3. I like to _________________. 4. I live with my _____________. 5. There are __________ people in my family. 6. I live in _________.
Topic 3: Sentences using “Yes, it is/No, it isn’t”
1. Is it a mat? *. Yes, it is.
2. Is it an orange? * No, it isn’t.
3. Is it an apple? * Yes, it is.
4. Is it a rat? *. No, it isn’t.
5. Is it an egg? * Yes, it is.
6. Is it a cat? *. No, it isn’t.
”Topic 4:
“Singular / Plural”
|Singular |Plural |
| | |
|Cat |Cats |