First , in the market there are different types of foods are available for example : fruits, fast food, mills, cooked food. Depend on the need the people buy their food. One of them fast food is easy to prepare and everywhere available in the market. Imagine your naive to preparing any kind of food and you have no other option other than preparing our-self. That time you try to cook the food which is easy to prepare , so that it will save your time, money and energy. To prepare food easily, technology is also helping which is countable in improving people way of living. For example : Microwave , refrigerator , cooker etc. Consider , thousands of student/professionals are buying easy to prepare foods then demand of food market will increase. The number of food developing company / Factory will be increased in the city / village. The number of employment will increase in the town , so that everyone will be earning good amount of money and it will help to improve their life and the way of living in the society.
Second, we cannot compromise the health while preparing the any food. Normally every easily prepare food which is actually available at authentic market place for example wall mart , malls etc. So they keep the food within the expiry date. People who want to lose the fat or increase the proteins or people who are on diet. Food companies help them by writing the quantity of Fats , protean, and vitamins. So we can control the our body needs and control the health. On the other hand , when i was student. My college time , study time , assignment time , other activity don't allow me to prepare food in less time with a good taste , even i was not the perfect cooker. That time I used fast cooking foods and bought some devices which is