In this task I am going to explain about how can some of dietary intakes can impact people’s health.
Lactose intolerance is a health factor that influence people’s diet and those who have lactose intolerance are at a high risk to not receive the necessary nutrients intake that supply the body to be strong and healthy such as calcium and vitamin D.
For example, nowadays, children are born with different kinds of food intolerance. Moreover, this intolerance influence child’s diet and also their nutrients intake that may cause deficiency of vitamin D, A, Iron or Calcium. Deficiency is a lack of shortage, especially of something essential to health.
Snacking is a dietary habits that may influence …show more content…
a person’s diet in a negative way because eating a lot of snacks such as crisps, chocolate bars or cupcakes may cause over weight or obessity and from those may occur high blood pressure, higher cholesterol, or diabetes.
For example, adults who are in a stressful full time job and they do not have time to eat, may choose crisps, or cupcakes or even fast food for a meal; fast food is a form of snacking as well because it not supply the proteins, carbohydrates and nutrients needed for the body and stops the hunger just for a short period of time. Instead of crisps or a chocolate or a plate of fries they may choose a chicken salad or a porridge or even a bowl of grain cereals and milk. Those quick meals are more healthy and likely for the body and also stops the hunger much longer.
Being a sedentary is a very unhappy situation especially for elderlies. Those elderlies who are alone are more likely for being sedentary because of the lack of the activities they do not practice. This is a lifestyle factor and is very important for a person’s wellbeing and health as well. For not having any occupation, elderlies may feel frustrated or depressed and may find a escape in food. For not eating properly or eating to much, may appear sever problems like deseases and deficiencies. At this stage, elderlies are more sensitive because their bodies are weak and are not stronger enough to react.
The cost of food increased over years and for some people this economic factor influenced their lifestyle, their health and also their diet. For adults that cannot afford to buy enough food may appear malnutrition, or dehidration or other serious deficiences. If the body does not receive the right amount of nutrients, it can be weak and the person can start to lose weight, to lose vitamins and all the other nutrients that body needs.
For example for a family with one children or two, may be very difficult to feed them if the food is very expensive and they cannot afford to buy the necessary food in order for children to eat properly and maintaing a good balance of nutrients useful and necessary for their growth.
The role of food in families and communities is a social-cultural factor for all ages because it can be a way of education about what is the importance of food, what is the role of food in their lives and how can they encourage the others to eat more healthy in family or in communities. Food can may be an interesting way for people to get together.
As an example can be a community that can open in a day of the year „Food sharring day” and in this day all the residents in that community have to share their traditional food prepared all fresh and using only healthy ingredients. This may be a way for people to try different healthy foods, also to learn new skills, to socialise and to eat new healthy good meals. This great activity have a positive influence in people’s diet. In families is important for people to share meals and the most important aspect is to eat together as a family. They have the opportunity to socialise one to each other, to share food and also to eat properly all together. Therefore, the wellbeing is increased and dietary balance is increased as
Public health nutritionists is an education key factor in order for people to maintain a good and healthy lifestyle. They are the specialists that have the right knowledge about the aliments and everything that involves them. I think that public nutritionists are having a great importance especially on children’s dietary intake.
For example, the public health nutritionists may visit different colleges, schools or universities to teach young people how to be
aware about their diet, what aliments are the best to consume at their age and also which ones are the best for helping them to get the nutrients that they are needed for a healthy growth and a proper development.
Healthy Schools social policy:
Schools play a key role in supporting the health and well-being of children and young people. Recent education and health white papers, published in 2010, recognise how schools can help children to become happier, healthier, and more ready to learn and achieve their full potential. This is what a healthy school means word by word (reference for that is found on the bottom of the last page).
Normally, a healthy school promotes physical and emotional health by providing accessible and relevant information for children to be able to understand what involves to eat healthy and also making good decisions and learning new skills.
For example, by using this programme, the rate of obessity should be lower and slowly a great amount of commercial food will be removed because young people will stop buying food or snacks that they know are going to affect them.
In conclusion, all of those influences are keys factors for understanding the importance of a good and balanced diet and also programs, specialised people or different ways that every individual may use to improve his diet and abviously his health.